Jinlan Liu

  Jinlan Liu, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1950. He is a senior Engineer. Chairman and president of Jiangsu Xingda Steel Tyre Cord Co., Ltd.
  He was awarded the National 1 May Labor medal by All China Federation of Trade Unions in 2003 and gaining subsidy rewarded by state department in 2006. 
  He was awarded the Technology Improvement Award (First Class) in respect of development of production technology for high-performance (new structures) radial tire cords for use in radial tires by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association in December 2003.
  He was awarded the State Science and Technology Improvement Award (Second Class) in respect of development of production technology for high-performance (new structures) radial tire cords for use in radial tires by the State Council in 2005.
  He was recognized as Leader in Technology Development in China Rubber Industry by the China Rubber Industry Association in April 2005.
  He is the deputy of the eleventh and twelfth NPC.