Zaiku Xie

    Mr. Xie Zaiku holds the degree of D. E. (Doctor of Engineering). He is Director of Science & Technology Dept., Sinopec; Professor level senior engineer; PhD Candidate Supervisor, Expert Enjoying the Government Special Allowance; Chief Scientist on porous catalytic materials of a major National Basic Research Development Program(2003-2013); Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry. He is also the Deputy Director of Catalysis Society of China, Standing Director of CIESC(Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China);Editor in Chief of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology. He once held the position the President of SRIPT(Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology).He has been granted more than 100 domestic patents and over 10 overseas patents, gained up to 10 national prizes and provincial prizes.  He gained the “Ho Leung Ho Lee Science & Technology Industry Innovation Prize”. He has published more than 200 papers both at home and abroad, and compiled several academic books including Porous Catalytic Materials With New Structure And improved Performance, Light Olefins Fundamentals Catalytic Processes.